I’m a student working on computer vision from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). Additionally, I am a research intern at Noah's Ark Lab, working with Dr. Jiankang Deng and in collaboration with Imperial College London. My current interests lie in the intersection of computer vision and 3D model. Besides, I am also working on research of large vision-language model in Noah's Ark Lab. Previously I did my Master in the direction of text recognition at SJTU, where I was advised by Prof. Yi Xu and received the master's Excellent Graduate Award.

  • Jun 2024 I joined Noah's Ark Lab as a research intern.
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WiLoR: End-to-end 3D hand localization and reconstruction in-the-wild

Rolandos Alexandros Potamias, Jinglei Zhang, Jiankang Deng, Stefanos Zafeiriou

ArXiv 2024

Relational Contrastive Learning for Scene Text Recognition

Jinglei Zhang*, Tiancheng Lin*, Yi Xu, Kai Chen, Rui Zhang

ACM MM 2023